Green Harmonic Solutions
By Simone Gatto

Since 2016, I’ve been conducted a research on the plants world, aiming to apply a protocol with all the techniques and the methodology acquired during my studies and my experiments, to spread different types of frequencies both in the air and in the ground, designed to setup a tailored process for each kind of plant (assigning specific melodies and harmonies according to specific purposes - growth, color, water necessity, insects and parasites resistance). Thanks to a collaboration with the Botanical Department of the University of Lecce directed by Prof. Marcello Leucci, i’ve put together a team of agronomist, biologists and sound engineers in order to test this protocol on crops.The results in mosts cases have been very encouraging , It has been found that sound waves were at different frequencies, sound pressure levels (SPLs), exposure periods, and distances from the source of sound influence plant growth. Experiments have been conducted both on short cycle and long cycle crops in the open field and under greenhouse growing conditions with different levels of audible sound frequencies and sound pressure levels. Sound waves stimulation could increase the plant plasma-membrane H+-ATPase activity, the contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein, and amylase activity of callus. Moreover, sound waves could increase the content of RNA and the level of transcription. Stress-induced genes could switch on under sound stimulation. Sound waves may also strengthen plant immune systems. It has been proved that spider mite, aphids, gray mold, late blight and virus disease of tomatoes in the greenhouses decreased by 6.0, 8.0, 9.0, 11.0, and 8.0%, respectively. Moreover we found an average production of more than 20% of fruits (especially on tomatoes, grapes and pomegranate), and a better resistance to attacks by pests and insects.
About the Artist
Simone Gatto
Simone Gatto is a graduate Music Therapist and Mindfulness instructor who finds into music a dynamic source of emotions, reminds and energy. Over the years, Simone has meant music as a possibility of communication, as a result of personal inspirations, as a bridge for getting in touch with people. He considers music as a vital source for reaching interior wellness, as a way to communicate successfully, as a means to help others empower themselves through sounds and creative languages. The variety of experiences and musical stimuli has brought Gatto to research the music potential together with the Italian University of Lecce on an ever-increasing scientific scale.