Human Code
By Julia Nikitiuk-Liubina

The unconscious endued with abstract symbols finds the answers in a visual dimension, breaking trails to separated and lost islands of the psyche where attention and cure is in demand. On this level of a dialogue between the viewer and the painting the inner critic is not allowed to speak. Thus the painting gains the status of a resource.
About the Artist
Yuliya Nikitiuk-Liubina
I was born in a small town of Romny in the north of Ukraine. According to my parents I started painting as soon as I could hold a pencil. While learning in school I also attended a painting studio and finished art school. I was determined to live the life of a creative professional so I graduated from the Institute of Publishing and Printing of NTUU with a diploma of graphic artist. With wide knowledge of art history and possessing different techniques I was totally confident that I was able to complete any assignment. But with this redundant omnitude I felt I was walking further away from myself. I felt that I needed a creative reset. I consider my Doors painting as the starting point, as a moment of return to that little me, when there were no answers found, when there was only a clear joy of the future discoveries.