We Want the United States of the World
By Alberto Magrin

Socio-cultural development and change depend exclusively on the reassessment and reorganisation of the social structural system from the bottom to the top of the social pyramid. The kind of scientific/spiritual work that humanity ought to aspire and come to starts with knocking down political/religious institutional differences and looking for points of connection between the various spiritual ideologies. The economic disparities created by monetary diversity need to be eliminated, developing a single, global economy and abolishing the use of money (for example, service exchanges using vouchers). This would make it possible to wipe out economic wars and the buying power of one state over another, like one man over another. The physical and institutional boundaries between states need to be knocked down, since they prevent people from freely moving throughout the world, tying them to individual internal bureaucracies. Wiping out political and ideological differences to protect human life (abolition of the death penalty, reassessment of prisons and cemeteries, offering as an alternative educational institutes and socially useful work and online databases of the spirits of the deceased with photographic and biographical material from the best moments of their lives), would lead to the reassessment of an approach to scientific research aimed toward knowledge and a unique, one-off experience. The spirit of each and every person lives by its own uniqueness, biological and interior growth. Every bodily and material form physically represents the intelligent spirit of the person who inhabits it, both in behaviour and in character, but above all in thinking. The thinking of every single person can knock down space-time boundaries when it connects its own relative uniqueness (both bodily and spiritual) to the absolute (both bodily and spiritual). Aspiring to universal harmony means aspiring first and foremost to individual harmony, searching within oneself for the interior balance provided by the union between branches of human knowledge: between art and economy, economy and science, science and politics, politics and religion, and Church and State. Only and exclusively love for one's neighbour and for oneself is the necessary ingredient, or better still, the binder that lets the single individual eliminate those boundaries as well as space-time limitations in order to grow as an individual and love others independently of ideological, political and/or religious differences. Use of a single global language, abolition of the armies, keeping only the police. Changing the Constitutional State: guaranteeing a residence for the protection of every family nucleus (exchangeable at will with another family nucleus), guaranteed education, 2 food, clothing, raw materials, health and use of free public transportation (airports, trains, metros, trams, buses, bicycles, etc.), using cards personalised at birth. The entry of every adult and/or university graduate into the world of work, with the option of freely changing jobs. The creation and free use of connected online trade libraries. The development of a society based on human solidarity would allow the individual to increase the inner value of his or her own eternal spirituality in favour of a dignified but temporary physically lived life. All of this would also lead to the elimination of criminality, the spiritual uplifting of the self and the spiritual uplifting of a globalised society. (Alberto Magrin)
About the Artist
Alberto Magrin
Alberto Magrin studied architecture at the University of Genoa. He underwent a brief stint in the theatre after having obtained a scholarship to study alongside sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro at University of Urbino. He was awarded the 'Libertas Prize' for visual arts and literature by MP Ferri and collaborated in the creation of the 'G. A. Rol Scientific Association' in Turin, the purpose of which was to demonstrate man’s victory over time through the capacity of the individual spirit. In the meantime, he was also awarded the ‘Open Art’ prize by MP Vita in Rome. He participated in founding of the International Digital Art Organization ONDA. He designed the 'ONDA Contemporary Art Museum' in order to allow internationally renowned artists to construct their own permanent spaces and create a dialogue between themselves and eternity. Like a premonition and a symbol of ‘eternal nothingness’, this project represents the downfall and rebirth of the modern era. Through a series of donations, he succeeded in creating a worldwide network of art galleries, which he called 'Magreen Galleries', the artworks of which are located in public and private institutions, thus eliminating every form of personal control or management over the works themselves. These artworks are currently held by some of the worlds most important permanent collections: The British Museum (London), MOCA (Los Angeles), Stiftung Museum Kunst Palast (Dusseldorf), Spazio Oberdan (Milan), Staatliche Kunstsammlungen (Dresda), Musèe desBeaux Arts (Lyon), Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea (Trento), CAM Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, The State Hermitage Museum (Saint Petersburg). Publications: 'Alberto' (Monograph - Guardamagna Editore, 2009), 'Brackets' (Poems - Il Filo, 2010), 'The acrobats of time' (Poems - Seneca Edizioni, 2011), 'Coincidences' (Poems - Seneca Edizioni, 2012), 'Science, conscience, knowledge' (Monograph - Il Geko Editions, 2015), 'The spiritual freedom' (Monograph – 081grafica, 2018). He makes use of every artistic language, experimenting new techniques. He lives and works in Italy.