International Peace
By Ciro Di Fiore

One World Anthem for a Futuring Peace
This artwork is for the Human rights that are one of the principles and the values on which the UN General Assembly is founded and the reason that was created and really in my artwork I want describe that to create a "Futuring Peace", it is necessary a true diplomacy and the wisdom of the silence because the peoples may be united with one world anthem and only so the bombs may become flowers and every flower is a human right that is to be protected.
The four targets on the corners that today are used for the launch of the bombs become some pentagrams of music
I created this artworkfor the 75 Anniversary of the United Nations and the Anniversary of the Resolution on Disarmament
2. Peace and Nature
The shape of this artwork is taken from the ‘The Mole Antonelliana’, a major building in Turin, Italy. There are many possible ways to represent unity, and the difficulties we are facing today - dealing with the virus and the isolation – will prompt us to find unity. In Italy, and in other nations around the world, we see people on balconies and in windows smiling and providing hope together; creating a unity from which there will be peace between humans and harmony with nature.
Dimensions: cm 30 x cm 45- Materials : Cardboard, printed paper, collage - Concept: Peace, Nature- Year 2020
3. Pace Internazionale
Around the planet it is recurrent to feel the word “Peace”, that arrives only up to the term “Hope” and then he breaks and it doesn’t come over the symbolism or the terminology, but in this artisitic work it is expressed as to be and not only with appearence and it palpitates continuously .Media: Mixed/ Collage -Materials: coloured cardboard , tela juta , pantons and glitters coloured glues - Year : 2015
4. The flyer Reborn for the defence and the protection of Human Rights and the Nature
"Reborn" action non è solo di promozione ma anche concreta e attiva nella vita di tutti i giorni, non riguarda solo i volontari, le associazioni o le comunità ma ogni persona che vive sul pianeta
L' attenzione è posta sulla dignità umana che è unica e sola e sottolineo "umana" termine che ho scelto e preferito a " dignità dell' uomo" che sarebbe stato molto limitativo all' uomo. e inoltre le figure che sono ai 4 cardini del pianeta possono essere essere visti sia come figure umane con le "braccia aperte" ma anche come piantine in fiore " che rinascono o rifioriscono) quindi donando anche una connotazione di protezione e difesa del nostro Pianeta grazie anche ai colori scelti che provengono dalla Natura.
About the Artist
Ciro Di Fiore
Ciro Di Fiore is a mixed media artist of hyperrealism, conceptual art, fashion (an Italian emergent fashion designer) and he has the pseudonym of Daniel. His creative journey began from “First Alternative Winter” of Rimini in Italy in 2007. Since December 2015 he has shown his artistic / stylistic works in museums, galleries, fairs in Italy and abroad in Europe, America, United Arabe Emirates, and China. During an exhibition he had the definition “artistic fashion designer.” In the United States there are the exhibitions on screen of ARTBOX.PROJECT Miami 2.0 and the “Eduardo Lira Art Gallery” in Miami during the “ART BASEL Art Week” and the Event video at the Stricoff Gallery in Chelsea, NY, the exhibition H2O of the J. Mane Gallery in New Jersey, and the online exhibition in Minnesota 'Social Distancing Art “ organized by the Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy and the Institute for Digital Humanity. In this past year, Daniel received two certificate from NASA, one in last June for his participation to NASA Space Apps, the Covid-19 Challenge for Global Problem Resolver and the other in October for the NASA Space Apps Take Action category Putting the 'Art' in Artemis, with his project 'Mars and Moon: A new window for the Humanity."