Photography of India
By William Vasquez

India an Ancient Place in a Modern World
India, a land where the traditional and the modern collide. That contrast is a beautiful thing. I have come to look beyond the obvious. and focus on what is really the heart of any place, its people. People are what make the place, not the landscape, or what you see. It’s what you feel when connecting to another person. My approach is to find those elusive moments and show people that they are more than just from a place or a cliche.
About the Artist
William Vasquez
A perceptive student of human behavior, Vázquez immerses himself in the act of photography to humanize his subjects to diverse audiences by actively engaging and connecting with place and culture through basic emotive expressions of human belonging to elicit and create intimacy. He vividly portrays candid yet spontaneous fleeting moments of life: “When I look through the lens, I see beauty and the interesting inconspicuously hidden somewhere. It is part of my journey as a photographer to create images that are meaningful and compelling. It is not just recording what I see but making something happen that gives life to the photograph.”
A humanitarian, Vázquez is preoccupied with philosophical concepts of empathy and social responsibility in a world where powerful images serve as a universal visual language of storytelling. His current work explores the profound effect of photography and deep emotional connection and bonds to fellow human beings. In humanizing the world of his subjects in all the complexities of life, he creates compelling images that celebrate a shared history of the human family and its enduring collective spirit.