Shalev Rozin
Forest Free
Forest Free is a freestyle choreography piece. The earth is my floor and the forest is my dance hall. The words make my body swings and fly in the open space, in the open sky. like the lyrics of the song... I feel like an ambassador, I want to carry a message of compassion and peace wherever I will go.
About the Artist
Shalev Rozin
Hi, my name is Shalev Anandi Rozin. I am twelve. I was born in India, in Sadhana Forest. I was always surrounded by music and dance. I grew up with it. Every Wednesday night, we had an open stage. It was the best day of the week. I couldn’t wait for it! I took my very first steps at the Open Stage and I loved the feeling, it was exciting. I performed every week, without fail. When I was 2, I saw a Bharatanatyam dancer. I couldn’t take my eyes of her, it was incredible. With the way she moved her body, I was mesmerized. It was like magic! And that’s how I started dancing, especially every Wednesday night in front of an audience. By the age of 6, I was exposed to a lot of different styles of dance. I started out by copying other dancers and over time, I wanted to learn Bharatanatyam, an Indian Classical Dance. When I was 7, I started gymnastics. I was very passionate about it and had less time for other activities. At 10 I started dancing again more contemporary style, and I fell in love with it.