By Diane Thome
“Unfold/Entwine (1998), solo electronic work, charts an interior journey. The work is drawn on a large canvas - it lasts a full quarter hour - and throughout its duration, space is as palpable as sound. The single stream of sound which opens the work ultimately devolves..into a realm of multiple, concurrent tributaries. One hears processes unfolding, disclosing, interleaving and entwining throughout this work. It is organic growth made audible. (Note by George Gelles, music and dance critic for the Washington Star, Contributing Editor of the Britannica Book of Music.)
About the Artist
Diane Thome
Composer of a wide variety of works spanning solo, chamber, choral, and electronic media, Diane Thome is professor emerita and former chair of the composition program of the University of Washington School of Music. Her works have been performed in Europe, China, Australia, Israel, and throughout the United States. She is the first woman to receive a PhD in Music from Princeton University and the first woman to compose computer synthesized music. Her other degrees include an M.A. in Theory and Composition from the University of Pennsylvania and two undergraduate degrees with distinction in Piano and Composition from the Eastman School of Music. Thome’s music has been recorded on the CRI, Crystal Records, Capstone, Leonarda, and Centaur labels including Palaces of Memory and Bright Air/Brilliant Fire, two monographic CDs of her electroacoustic music (Centaur). The latter were described as a “must-have” for every acoustic music collector. Her memoir, Palaces of Memory: American Composer Diane Thome on her Life and Music. was published in 2016.